Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


18年的壹個職業技能目標把c4d學會、會好,這是研究c4d以來首張練習,選的是壹張來自國外設計師的作品臨摹,很苦惱還處於技能磨練階段,建模斷斷續續三天,渲染了用了7小時,有很多不足,但這是壹個好的開始,做就行了,just do it

18 years of a professional skill goal to learn c4d, will be good, this is the first exercise since the study c4d, selected a piece of works from foreign designers Linyi, very distressed is still in the stage of skill training, modeling intermittent three days It took 7 hours to render, there are a lot of deficiencies, but this is a good start, just do it, just do it!